Moving towards the future

We have built up momentum. Momentum towards the future, since we long ago learned that the future starts now. OGE's image film shows in just a few minutes who we are and what we stand for.

Topics at a glance 

Press releases 

Here you will find our latest press releases. You can filter them conveniently by category, year or search term.

Construction projects 

Gas deliveries on time, in the quantity ordered and at the desired level of quality. We make sure of it by keeping our infrastructure network up to date.


We want to be seen, to show our true colours and to talk to the people who are interested in our business.

Media library 

Here you have access to documents, photo and graphic material. Simple, clear and compact.

Hydrogen — the super­molecule and basic building block of the energy system of the future.

The OGE Hydrogen Guide can take a look into the future for us. The film is about hydrogen and what makes the green supermolecule so interesting for energy systems.

Information on pipelines

Before you start your construction work: Request free pipeline information.
(Only in German.)

Press releases

28 May 2024

Nathalie Leroy to become new Commercial Managing Director of OGE

OGE's new management team is now complete: the Supervisory Board has appointed Nathalie Leroy as a member of the Management Board.

27 May 2024

New uniform postage stamp tariff for the Trading Hub Europe (THE) market area from January 1st , 2025

For the Trading Hub Europe (THE) market area the transmission system operators have determined the uniform tariff from January 1st, 2025 on the basis of the Federal Network Agency’s (BNetzA) REGENT 2021 decision.

14 May 2024

Detlef Brüggemeyer to become new technical managing director of OGE

OGE has successfully arranged the succession for the position of technical managing director: OGE's Supervisory Board has ap-pointed Detlef Brüggemeyer as a member of OGE's Management Board.

OGE grants the users the right to use, store and reproduce the texts, images and graphics provided in the press kit in whole or in part for journalistic purposes within the scope of the applicable press and copyright law, whereby OGE must be named as source/author. The use and reproduction of the OGE logo requires the prior consent of OGE.

Our press kit for download 

Use the press kit here to secure essential building blocks for reporting on our company: our logo, pictures of our managing directors, our headquarters and our products.

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